Everything You Need To Know About The Flu
Everything you need to know about the flu
Flu is a common viral infection that can affect anyone. In some cases, the flu can be deadly. It is often mistaken as other health conditions because of the symptoms it exhibits. Flu is contagious. Every person is affected by the flu at least once in their life. It is important to understand the symptoms of the flu so that you can take care of yourself or anyone who is affected.
Flu can be referred to as influenza. It is caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract. The incubation period for flu can last for 1 or 4 days.

What are the types of flu?
Although a common ailment, there is a lot of misconception about what flu is and isn’t. There are several different types of flu. Some types of flu include:
- Seasonal flu – Typically causing illnesses for a few months out of a year, seasonal flu months are called the flu season.
What are the early symptoms and signs of the flu?
Noticing the early signs and symptoms of the flu can prevent the spread of the virus and it may also help treat the illness before it takes a turn for worse. Some early signs and symptoms of the flu to look out for are:
- Excessive or sudden fatigue
- Chills and body aches
- A persistent cough
- A sore throat
- Fever
- Gastrointestinal problems (vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea, or nausea)
What are the treatment options for the flu?
- Often, flu can be treated by getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated.
- However, in certain cases of flu, the doctor may prescribe antiviral medicines like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza). These medicines have the potential to shorten the length of the illness if taken as soon as one notices the symptoms and signs of flu.
- For treating symptoms associated with the flu like headaches and body aches, one may take painkillers. However, it is best to take advice from the doctor instead of self-medicating.
What are some home remedies for the flu?
There are several ways in which the flu can be treated at home. If continued over a few days, they can help you get back on your feet. Here is a list of home remedies that can help with the flu symptoms:
- Chicken soup – This is the number one suggestion given by doctors as it has all the nutrition and warmth that can help one get healthy soon. It can also reduce the symptoms of flu and keep one hydrated.
- Ginger – This root has been recognized for its medicinal benefits for centuries. A few slices of ginger in boiling water can cure a sore throat and cold in no time, which are the symptoms of the flu.
- Honey – Honey has both antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Having lemon and honey in water can reduce the throat pain caused by influenza. This flu treatment is very effective for children.
- Probiotics – Probiotics are friendly bacteria that can be found in certain foods and in the body itself. They help keep the immune system strong and keep the flu at bay.
- Other remedies – Other home treatments for flu include having garlic, salt water gargling, massaging with a vapor rub, and taking a warm bath.